Meet Konar

Konar is a combination of quality and health for dear consumers, our goal is to provide raw materials in the country's food industry and we hope to be a worthy servant in this matter.

Konar Processing Industry Co

Konar Processing Industry Company was established as a producer of functional raw materials for the country’s meat industry in 2018. After two years of extensive research and investigation with the cooperation and consensus of foreign consultants of this industry and the companionship of fellow countrymen who are experts in the production of meat products, this company has officially started its activity as a supplier of useful raw materials in this industry since June 1400.

Konar’s mission is to be able to be a leader in the creation of new ideas and to be a leader in the supply of raw materials with an insight derived from the knowledge of the world, by benefiting from the local experiences of the domestic workers of this industry and by relying on previous valuable experiences in the field of trade and supply of raw materials. First, the meat processing industry should play a constructive role. Konar’s goal is to make the manufacturer of this industry appear more successful in the market and watch the increasing satisfaction of customers and the expansion of its market.

Konar believes that in addition to increasing the quality, the cost price of the final product can also be reduced. He believes that the meat processing industry in Iran has its own characteristics and therefore localization is important in the design of the raw materials of this industry.

Konar considers quality stability as a stable and key policy and despite having international standards and using the highest quality raw materials, it always tests its input materials and output products in order to guarantee its quality stability.

Konar is proud that in order to maintain the dynamics of the collection, by using its applied laboratory and market research group, it continuously monitors developments at the global level in order to consider the needs of the manufacturer in the design of new products and to satisfy the manufacturer and the consumer. It brought the ultimate doer.